Reactivity Resolved
A 90 day virtual program for dog owners who want to stop barking, whining, and lunging on leash towards people or other dogs in only 5 minutes of training per day.
Join the WaitlistInside of Reactivity Resolved, you will learn how to:
- Stop lunging, barking, growling, and pulling towards people and other dogs
- Prevent and manage reactive behaviors like barking, lunging, whining, and overexcitement
- Desensitize your dog to the things that make them go wild like dogs, people, or wildlife
- Maintain the positive behaviors you want to see with your dog, long term
Recent Student Wins:
Carly & Ellie
"Ellie was able to completely ignore the arch nemesis child from across other side of the street! I was SO impressed."
Kat & Phe
"He is overall calmer inside the house, and I feel a lot more confident handling him and his reactivity. Also had an amazing win on day 5 of week 2 where he was able to fairly quickly disengage from a trigger and focus on me again."
Kaytee & Ramona
"I love seeing her ability to focus on us rather than the distraction - We got better recall and recovery on walks, especially with the "look" cue, as well as with calming down after indoor bark attacks."
Andrea & Jaki
"Today he was chill and sniffed everything and was relaxed most of the time. Twice he picked up a scent that normally would cause lunging and barking, and today I allowed him to follow it and then waited for him. He just turned around to collect his treat TWICE."
Emma & Floki
"We had to go to the vet this week. The mat work has been a game changer for him. He was able to relax more than he ever has before. He stayed on the mat while in the waiting room and took lots of treats while waiting. A huge win for us!"
Kimberly & Indy
"Had a huge win tonight. We saw 4 dogs on our walk tonight (all at a far distance) and Indy only had one small reaction and it was to a dog that was barking across the street. She was also able to settle down quickly. This is a MASSIVE improvement. WOW seriously mind blown!"
Natalie & Aurora
"When Aurora was 6 months old, we visited some caverns with a realistic bear statue. She got scared, backing away and barking. Today, a year and a half later, we went back to those same caverns, and she didn’t react at all!

Molly & Goose
"Goose was showing some excitement/frustration reactivity in his early adolescence. IÂ am proud to say that in the last week, he hasn't had a single reaction in any context that he was showing before! I feel so confident now."
Allyson & Archie
"In the farmers market at lunch, Archie did a downstay while we were waiting for tacos even while other dogs passed a few feet from him!"
Sami & Rafa
"I pulled Rafa off the trail a bit and gave him a scatter while I used my body to block the other dog from coming too close. Rafa had no reaction whatsoever, he was just eating his treats and that dog came within 10 ft of us! Soooo much progress."
No time to train your dog? You only need five minutes.
Yes, really.
"The training is simple and doesn't require a ton of energy. It fits into our normal routine nicely."
Andrea & Jaki
"It's really helpful to know exactly what to train every day, and it really does take only 5 minutes to complete."
Numa & Zuko

Ready for calm, relaxing, and uneventful walks?
In less than 90 days, you'll know everything you need to:
- Stop lunging, barking, growling, pulling towards distractionsÂ
- Prevent and manage reactivity (barking, lunging, growling, overexcitement, etc)
- Desensitize your dog to their triggers (usually people, dogs, or wildlife)
- Maintain the positive behaviors you want to see with your dog, long term
With my personalized and expert approach, we’ll create a training plan that works for you AND your dog, regardless of your abilities, available time, or finances.
Here's what's inside when you join...

Reactivity Resolved Online Portal
Every week, this includes:
- One new module to get you taking the right steps to stopping reactive behaviors. These are in the form of videos and text, and are shorter than 8 minutes on average, so you can get what you need and start training FAST.
- Printable Skill Sequence Guide of what to train and when so you can spend time training instead of being confused
- Check in prompts to get customized suggestions from me to help speed your training results

Get Personalized 1-on-1 Help
Enjoy access to my office hours where you can:
- Send private text/voice messages straight to me, a certified behavior consultant
- Join a zoom call and get your questions answered on the spot
- Get help customizing the program for your unique dog and personal needs
- Ask for specific troubleshooting if you feel stuck
Use the sessions to:
- Learn how to adapt the course to your unique situation
- Ask "silly" questions without judgement
- Request step-by-step breakdowns tailored to your dog
Think of it as having an expert trainer ready to go in your pocket.

Ask A Pro Trainer Questions at Any Time
Receive access to my private community. It's the perfect place to:
- Ask me (a professional trainer) questions at any time
- Share your training videos and where you're struggling to get constructive tips
- Vent to people who understand or ask for brainstorming or motivation ideasÂ
Be fully confident knowing you have a team of support behind you on the ups and downs with your dog.
My personalized suggestions make training feel effortless - not another item on your to-do list.
"I loved all the lessons and planning templates. I didn't realize activities like watching distractions could be so simple. Makes it so easy to fit into my day."
Aiden and Tenzin
More Student Wins:
Jacklyn & Kita
"We passed 3 dogs (her #10 distraction). We got comfortably off the trail for one, and Kita looked at me once with the other and kept walking, no reaction."
Jess & Cleo
"We were able to move past (at a distance to be fair to Cleo) two of three dogs we saw! It was awesome."
Kimberly & Indy
"I feel less anxious on walks. Even if we encounter a trigger, I feel more empowered with the distraction techniques and know even if she has a reaction we can get it back under control."
Laura & Iggy
"Passed by multiple people and bikes outside today and Iggy didn't react to them at all!"
Alexa & Sox
"We recently went to a pet friendly mall, and a big white dog on the other side of the hallway started lunging at the end of the leash/barking at us. Sox briefly looked over at the dog when it started but then immediately turned back to me and kept focus!"
Chuning & Luca
"I noticed I feel more confident handling my dog during our walk as I have the tools and skills to turn him away without force when needed."
I'm Blythe.
Even after my certifications were complete, I was still overwhelmed trying to manage my own dogs needs (especially my reactive boy) while dealing with chronic illnesses.
Through the years, I've developed systems that work to train my reactive dogs in a way that works for EVERYONE, not just able bodied, neurotypical people.
Now I use what I’ve learned to help people just like you train their own reactive dogs at home with confidence. Let me guide you through the journey of dog training so you BOTH can thrive!

"Duchess was pretty nervous around people and would take flight if someone got too close or a tall guy walked up to her. Now, since doing the reactivity work, she is much more trusting of me and guiding her in the environment. She has improved 10000% in confidence."
-Â Ashley & Duchess
"Before: Apollo would pull toward other dogs and be very distracted watching them.Â
After: Apollo now checks in with me when he sees another dog and is able to ignore it if I tell him to. I noticed that he is definitely calmer around other dogs. It makes me feel much more confident that he can handle unexpected encounters."
-Â Kelsey & Apollo
"I took Aubrey for a vaccine. She ignored the other dogs (there was even a cat). She received many compliments for her good/calm behavior. Her reactivity has improved sooo much."
-Â Candy & Aubrey

This course is for you if...
- You feel overwhelmed by your dog’s behaviors like barking at other dogs or people, lunging at distractions, and pulling
- You don’t know where to start with training your dog to ignore the distractions you encounter
- You want to train your reactive dog, but don't know where to find reliable information
- You have already started training your reactive dog but haven't experienced many positive results
- You don't have a lot of time to train