Join the Pack

Stop Barking in the Home in 5 Minutes of Training Per Day

Join now, and get 4 quick and easy training modules to curb barking from a professional trainer for $9

OR join my membership to receive this course for only $7/month

I want to join the membership for a discount ($7/month).
Just the course for $9.

Happy Students:

Tayler S.

"I am so grateful and excited that it all feels so simple and realistic (AND is super reassuring that I don't have to be perfect). Totally worth way more than $9. Thank you so much for this!"

Louise H.

"This course is awesome! It's my first from Delta Tails and I'm excited to learn more and more. It's a great bang for your buck for a problem that is easier to fix than your think! I love the split between passive/active training."

Natalie S.

"My neighbors we share a wall with are having a huge party and Aurora is acting like she doesn’t even know it’s going on! Not a single sign she has noticed!"

Join the Membership & Get Instant Access to:

  • 7 bite-sized modules that take you step by step through crafting a simple life with your dog

  • Access to our Enrichment Games Course (including nosework) and our Barking in the Home Crash Course

  • Including all the workbooks and trackers you need to get it down on paper

  • A resource library full of tutorials, answers to questions, and more

  • Access to the members only Facebook group for accountability, connection, and support

  • Feedback on your schedule, training, and questions in the group

  • New lessons, planners, and tools each month - chosen by you!

Yes, I want instant access now for $7 (cancel at any time).
Just the bark course ($9).

Inside Look into the Membership:

Hi, I'm Blythe.

I am a multi-certified professional trainer and behavior consultant. I coach dog guardians like you to create a simple and sustainable life with your dogs and reach your training goals, without adding more overwhelm to your plate.

Will you let me coach you?

Blonde person sits with her service dog during a training session

"I felt like there was a lot of actionable items that I could put to use immediately. Having the strategy for planning training sessions was probably the biggest take away for me."

I want the membership too ($7 only - cancel at any time)
Just the bark course ($9)

Frequently Asked Questions