How to Train Your Own Service Dog

May 26, 2024

If you came here from my How to Get a Service Dog blog, welcome!

Today we are going to learn all about owner training and the process in the United States.

Before I share my general...

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How to Get a Service Dog (In the United States)

May 26, 2024

Before I start with this post, I first want you to know that I am located in the USA. This information is all the information that applies to my country. If you are located outside of the US, your...

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Top Five Ways to Help Your Reactive Dog

Jun 08, 2022

Reactivity is so tough to live with.

It feels isolating and overwhelming, and sometimes it feels like it will never get better.

Both of my dogs have dealt with reactivity, and I know how...

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The Ultimate Guide to Helping Your Dog Sleep Better

May 18, 2022

If you're anything like me, you STRUGGLE to get enough sleep.


Living with ADHD and autism makes sleep feel almost impossible for me, but I know how important it is to my mood, my...

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Stop Pulling Fast - Six Steps to Leash Train Your Dog

Apr 07, 2022

My dog pulls like a freight train!

What do I do?!

This is a common complaint I hear from almost everyone first beginning their training journey with me. 

Loose leash walking is the biggest...

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